Update on May 30, 2018

On May 30, 2018 at 1:51, Save Catholic (savecatholic@gmail.com) sent the below message to the Catholic University Board of Trustees (cua-trustees@cua.edu as well as to individual members) and to President John Garvey (cua-president@cua.edu).


Dear Trustees of The Catholic University of America:

We are a group of faculty, students, staff, and alumni of The Catholic University of America who are concerned about the financial trajectory of the University and the administration’s recent efforts to address our challenges. We write to ask you to visit our website, savecatholic.com, which we launched on April 30, 2018.

On the website you will find our Statement, a critique of the provost’s Academic Renewal Proposal, analyses of the University’s enrollment and revenue situation, and recent media coverage. You also will find 240 comments from members of the CUA community who wrote in to share their concerns and constructive thoughts.

We love our University and we affirm, support and cherish Catholic University’s mission as “a comprehensive Catholic and American institution of higher learning, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church.” It is for this reason that we are so concerned about the University’s immediate future.

We believe that savecatholic.com will offer you an important window on how people on the ground experience the challenges currently facing our community, particularly as you prepare for your Annual Meeting on June 4-5.


Save Catholic

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